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Luis Fernando Estupiñán Guevara


Investigative article that pretends to describe the behavior of 3 cyclists during the return to Colombia 2015.

The return to Colombia is one of the most important sporting events in the country, but, what are the characteristics of competition that a cyclist requires to complete the tour of the return to Colombia 2015 ?.

Three professional cyclists of a team participating in the return to Colombia 2015, at the beginning of the competition with an age of 22.33 ± 3.06, years, height of 175.67 ± 2.52 cms, weight of 62 kgs ± 5 , Made the tour of the return to Colombia with special equipment, to measure the described variables and to carry out a case study.

Within the cycling there are different aspects that can not be controlled: rain, terrain and wind, among others, however, from the measurable or quantifiable variables, can be approached to the conditions under which it competes at professional level, some These variables in which research is being carried out, such as the rhythm of pedaling have been investigated by Castelli, Zampella, Cusella, Spairani, Giovanetti, Botto, D'Antona, and Magnani. (2013), talks about the free choice of cadence in a study that relates the cadence to another variable chosen: the heart rate, in terms of heart rate there is a large number of studies around the world of sports, is not alien Cycling, such as Jeukendrup and Van Diemen (1998), where the heart rate is analyzed as an indicator of intensity of the exercise; On the other hand, Vincent, J. (2008) shows us the importance of knowing heart rate thoroughly and how it is dependent on the number of times per minute heart beats, its contractibility, making an interesting comparison with the bicycle, generating new Doubts, about the possibilities that it offers to study it; Velocity and pedaling cadence are related in the study of Kohler and Boutellier (2005), who report how professional pedalists prefer high cadences, which are less beneficial because of high cardiac output, above 90 RPM.

Results: The average speed used was 38.36 km / h, developing a maximum speed peak of 103.4 km / h in stage 4, the CR stages are those with the highest average speed with 49.68 km / h , The lowest average speed stage was the CR AM stage with 20.30 km / h.

The mean cadence used was 80 rpm, with a peak cadence peak of 142 rpm in step 11; The Kcal used during the 13 days were 23136, which is equivalent to a daily average of 1928 Kcal, the stage of greatest caloric expenditure was stage 4 with 3117 Kcal, stage of MM over a distance of 203 Kms., And that of minor Caloric expenditure was stage 8 with 390 Kcal, stage CR of 23 Kms.



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References (SEE)

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