Effect of plant density and training systems on yield of Physalis peruviana L.

Efecto del tutorado y distancias de siembra sobre el rendimiento de Physalis peruviana L.

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Enrique Quevedo García
Orlando Sánchez García
Carlos Eliécer Veloza Sandoval


An experiment was carried out at the Cape gooseberry production farm in Subia, Cundinamarca, to evaluate three training espalier systems, "chiquero", staircase and traditional and three planting density, 1x2, 2x2 y 3x2m, in order to establish the best treatment which combines training systems and planting distance for yield improvement. The research was carried out during one year. During this time variables of morphological aspect, yield and fruit quality were measured. An experimental design of split plots was employed, where the main plot constituted the three training systems and the secondary plots the planting density. Three repetitions were used, with a changing experimental unit according to the evaluated distances. The variables plant height, number of branches, leaf area index, leaf area, number of flowers, longitudinal diameter, fruit volume, number fruit, yield per plant and per hectare, showed significant differences for the interaction between training systems and planting density. It was concluded that the treatments with the "chiquero" tutoring system and planting at the distance of 1x2m are the most desirable ones under the experimental conditions, according to the significance of yield per plant per hectare obtained.



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References (SEE)

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