Performance of the Captain of the Savannah, (Eremophilus mutisii) in early stages of development

Desempeño de Capitán de la Sabana (Eremophilus mutisii) en estadios tempranos de desarrollo

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Erika Moncaleano-Gómez
Camilo Prieto-Mojica


There are several efforts made in the savannah captain fish Eremophilus mutisii for its use and conservation; however, despite the progress made, it has not been possible to overcome the difficulties of larviculture in this species, reason for to make the first description of the initial stages of life for contribute and improve the beginnings of larviculture. The larvae used were obtained from mature savanna captain breeders. Subsequently, the volume and determination of the absorption of the yolk sac, the maximum opening of the mouth, first feeding, food preference and the evaluation of productive variables such as: weight gain, specific growth rate and survival were described. The consumption of the yolk sac was completed at 201 Hour Post Hatching (HPE), equivalent to more than 90% absorption, the maximum mouth opening is reached at 126 HPE. This species has a high degree of acceptance when feeding with artemia cysts from 11 Day post-hatching (DPE) and later to artificial food from 47 DPE, This to becomes a contribution to the obtaining and identification of mechanisms and strategies that promote the use and conservation of E. mutisii in captivity, in order to promote the use of aquaculture in this species that is threatened with extinction and can be a food source that contributes to the food security of the Cundiboyacense population.



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