Administrative organization and productivity of bogota's sports leagues

Organización administrativa y productividad de las ligas deportivas bogotanas

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José Ramos Acosta


The fundamental task of the sports leagues is to gather the athletes that come from the different affiliated clubs and enable them to continue competition activities, to detect their sporting talent and select from this detection the highest technical level, to conform the selected ones of the city in the different sports and present them to the departmental and National level competitions, where they will be selected again for the high competition. The main objective of this work was to recognize the inequality that exists in Bogotá’s sports leagues, in terms of organizational, administrative and productivity development, which does not allow sport in the city to evolve in a balanced manner, It is important to find the root of this problem, since the sports organization of the leagues must be efficient and highly productive so that the sporting country has a greater number of high performance athletes that represent it in international, world and Olympic jousts. With this study carried out with a mixed methodological approach, it was possible to register that the sports productivity in the Leagues in the city of Bogotá is not uniform and neither its administrative development, which surely has not allowed a balanced evolution of the capital sport.



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