Preliminary assessment of roof runoff rain water quality for potential harvesting in Bogota´s peri-urban areas

Evaluación preliminar de la calidad de la escorrentía pluvial sobre tejados para su posible aprovechamiento en zonas periurbanas de Bogotá

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Andrés Torres
Sandra Méndez Fajardo
Liliana López Kleine
Valentina Marín
Jorge Andrés González
Juan Camilo Suárez
Julián David Pinzón
Alejandra Ruiz


In Colombia, several communities with limited or precarious access to potable water services collect rain water for different domestic uses. This paper presents results of the quality analysis of runoff rainwater on roofs in Kennedy (Bogotá) and Soacha (Cundinamarca) in order to evaluate their adaptability to satisfy domestic uses in these districts. Based on the results obtained, it can be conclude that the sampled water is not suitable for none of the possible domestic uses in these communities. This is due to high values of turbidity and high concentrations of Total Suspended Solids, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and heavy metals. Nevertheless, high spatial and temporal variability was detected, as well as variability in function of the roof material. In some of the analyzed samples, the runoff water of the roofs could be adapted as an alternative for domestic uses.



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References (SEE)

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